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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.41.7
    7f301c4a · [VERSION] 1.41.7 ·
    **PriVELT v1.41.7**
    Fixed Airbnb parsing with wrong file
    Fixed Data tab from dashboard
  • v1.41.6
    aa3076f9 · [VERSION] 1.41.6 ·
    **PriVELT v1.41.6**
    Fixed Trainline data parsing
  • v1.41.5
    1901c734 · [VERSION] 1.41.5 ·
    **PriVELT v1.41.5**
    Fixed Trainline data parsing
    Fixed Snapchat SAR request URL 
    Fixed crash after Twitter SAR extraction
  • v1.41.4
    e153ccdd · [VERSION] 1.41.4 ·
    **PriVELT v1.41.4**
    Added SAR/API label in service list
    Added error message when there are no service available anymore
    Renamed Twitter SAR in X (Twitter)
  • v1.41.3
    0fc0ccde · [VERSION] 1.41.3 ·
    **PriVELT v1.41.3**
    Sort permissions by default by risk
    Removed Snapchat API and Instagram API from firebase remote config
  • v1.41.2
    e30a8ea5 · [VERSION] 1.41.2 ·
    **PriVELT v1.41.2**
    Fixed two Entries for Booking SAR service 
    Updated SAR request URL for trainline
    Removed facebook and flickr from firebase remote config
  • v1.41.1
    820e8961 · [VERSION] 1.41.1 (75) ·
    **PriVELT v1.41.1**
    Added generic messages "The selected file is not a SAR file for this service"... 
    User data extraction: each service exports its user data
    Added readable dates in data exported
    Removed "off" from bar chart + hide only very small bar entries
    Compact Permissions View
    One bar chart for Permissions
  • v1.41.0
    f65e0f25 · [VERSION] 1.41.0 ·
    **PriVELT v1.41.0**
    Added Stagecoach SAR
  • v1.40.0
    060f00cc · [VERSION] 1.40.0 ·
    **PriVELT v1.40.0**
    Fixed color contrasts in bar chart screen
    Changed the position of Permissions bar-chart
    Reduced number overlap on Permissions bar-charts by hiding small values
  • v1.39.0
    f41abe8e · [VERSION] 1.39.0 ·
    **PriVELT v1.39.0**
    Added confirmation popup for google drive backup
  • v1.38.1
    e62b3667 · [VERSION] 1.38.1 ·
    **PriVELT v1.38.1**
    [Send Data to Developer] Prevent Empty Prolific ID
    [Send Data to Developer] Change Default Storage Path
    [Send Data to Developer] Revise exported data
  • v1.38.0
    602116d2 · [VERSION] 1.38.0 (70) ·
    **PriVELT v1.38.0**
    Applied new user data model to Trainline
    Fixed Trainline parsing
    [Google Calendar] Add Event object node under each Calendar type
    Removed "SAR" from SAR service names
    Fixed [Bug] Data tree nodes are overlapping
  • v1.37.0
    **PriVELT v1.37.0**
    Applied new user data model to Snapchat SAR, Spotify
    Implemented subtype radar chart
    Fixed radar chart y-axis labels
  • v1.36.0
    daa7ae86 · [VERSION] v1.36.0 (68) ·
    **PriVELT v1.36.0**
    Applied new user data model to Tiktok, Reddit, Pinterest, Snapchat
  • v1.35.0
    98107b83 · [VERSION] v1.35.0 (67) ·
    **PriVELT v1.35.0**
    Applied new user data model to TripAdvisor, Booking, Fitbit, Flickr, Gcalendar, GLocation
    Fixed crash at launch for Android 14+ in debug mode
  • v1.34.0
    107ed363 · [VERSION] v1.34.0 (66) ·
    **PriVELT v1.34.0**
    Applied new user data model to Uber
    Applied 3-depth parsing for Uber data
  • v1.33.0
    c5574b63 · [VERSION] 1.33.0 ·
    **PriVELT v1.33.0**
    Applied new user data model to Airbnb and Google Calendar
    The data tree screen can now handle 3 depths of data 
    Fixed Google Calendar parsing to group data by events
  • v1.32.2
    2ed82240 · [VERSION] v1.32.2 (64) ·
    **PriVELT v1.32.2**
    Implementation of subtype enum for user data model
    Applied new user data model to Facebook and EasyJet
    Fixed crash for Facebook
    Fixed [Data Tree][Bug] Copy node detailed is not working
    Fixed [Data Tree][Bug] Node displayed in a wrong place
    Fixed crash on tree view screen
  • v1.32.1
    206884de · [VERSION] v1.32.1 (63) ·
    **PriVELT v1.32.1**
    Fixed infinite loading when restoring backup when there is no backup
    Fixed crash when deleting backup when there is no backup
    Changed Google Drive restore message
    Fixed crash when no resource was found for a service
  • v1.32.0
    63aadaaf · [VERSION] 1.32.0 (62) ·
    **PriVELT v1.32.0**
    Fixed sort by status (permissions screen)
    Implemented tree view for user data