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Automatically show product notes in category notes

Daniel Huigens requested to merge twiss:notes into master

Shows the notes of all the products in a subcategory when viewing the subcategory.

Often, the notes of the products were duplicated in the notes of the subcategory, in which case they were removed there.

I only touched the English locale to make the initial PR a bit uncluttered and also because I didn't know the l10n process - are there any tools in use? Do I just overwrite with the modified strings in other locales, or do I have to "transform" the other strings to match the English modifications?


  • Notes no longer talk about products that are not in the subcategory. (example, example)
  • Notes are deduplicated. In a few cases, there were minor differences.

Solvable disadvantages:

  • Notes are now ordered by name of the product, alphabetically, just like the actual product cards. (E.g. /en/subcategories/gnu-linux-web-browsers/). To solve this, it might be enough to have a binary "recommended" flag which hoists the project to the first spot and also gives it a green or blue recommended label.
  • Many subcategories contain "we don't recommend ... because ..." notes, which are now no longer below the product notes. A solution would be to move these notes to hidden "rejected projects" notes, which would also hide them in case they are not applicable on the selected platform.


  • When a product is in multiple subcategories, we can no longer differentiate the notes per subcategory. (E.g. Thunderbird in /en/subcategories/gnu-linux-instant-messaging/, which is probably better than before but still non-ideal.)
  • Notes are less flexible and it's harder to get them to say what you want.

Merge request reports