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  • Emma's avatar
    massive overhaul of the ban system · af8c4886
    Emma authored
    There are now two types of global bans: IP bans and user bans:
    * If logged in and trusted, POST requests will check if the user is user
    * If logged in and *not* trusted, POST requests will check if the user
      is user banned *and* IP banned.
    * If not logged in, only IP bans will be checked on POST. This excludes
      /login, which is somehow magically exempt from the ban listener (which
      is exactly what we want anyway).
    Additonally, many smaller fixes have been applied to vaguely ban-related
    stuff. For instance, the IP ban form now uses DTOs, and the ban landing
    page was moved to its own controller class in order to reduce the number
    @IsGranted annotations.