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one year post

postmarketOS Bot requested to merge one-year into master

Created by: ollieparanoid

This is a first draft, lots of content is missing. The intro is quite different from the other blog posts to keep it more interesting. Mainline is a complex topic, so I wouldn't be surprised if this contains some errors or credits to some people are missing. Please let me know about that and how you like it. Looking forward for feedback!

(As written in the other issue, if we can't make the exact date, I'm for taking the extra days to make it a nice post instead of putting something out there with less quality.)

Help wanted!

For some media, we already have nice photos that only need to be found in either the wiki or in Riot and linked here. That would already be helpful!

Open Questions

  • @opendata26: as I understand it, modem should work in theory with the sirius as well, but it has not been tried out yet, right?


  • More Nexus 5 photos to replace the duplicated ones in the current version:
    • One showing the kernel version (@MartijnBraam did that already)
    • How about one with nheko with its dark theme and qt5-qtvirtualkeyboard?
    • Doing more with the modem in plasma mobile if that is possible
  • Photos of the sirius and klte (@opendata26 and @drebrez, not sure if it makes sense with klte since display isn't working)
  • Maybe a few more device photos with the new wallpaper. The raspberry pi one is awesome, I'd like to include that for sure.
  • Create a short video / gif of the "maximum-attention" initramfs hook (see the other blog posts for reference) (@MayeulC)
  • i3wm photos on the N900 (one with the fixed battery indicator would be nice)
  • matchbox and related PDA applications photos (@duncanguthrie)
  • A graph for packaged devices over time:
    • writing a script that outputs the count of aports/device/device-* folders for each day that the project has been running
    • finding a way to convert that to a graph (libreoffice, graphviz script, ...)


  • If someone could create the list of new devices (see previous posts for reference), that would be a huge help (maybe @zhuowei has time for that again?)
  • @bhush9: you wanted to write a few words about the plasma mobile status - is that still planned, and what would you write about?
  • Is there content I forgot? Please let me know as well!

Closes #56 (closed).

Merge request reports