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postmarketOS Bot requested to merge 2xx-days-post into master

Created by: ollieparanoid

Here is the first WIP draft.

Markdown file as rendered by GitHub (not exactly how it looks when rendered for the blog):

I could need lots of help here:

  • Preparing photos for the post:
    • lots of photos have been taken already, look at the matrix channel for example.
    • collect good photos for each interface / other sections of the article (google glass, one or two for other new devices - look at the previous post for how we did it there)
    • cut them out to have a transparent background and shadow (if you can't do it/don't have time, the points above are useful as well!) not done this time, I went with 150x150 thumbnails of the photos
    • @MoreRobustThanYou: can you make a photo, which shows the recovery zip installer running in CWM? Like that one, but CWM instead of TWRP. I think you're the only one with access to CWM running the recovery zip installer - (otherwise if someone else can do it that would be fine as well). he doesn't have CWM
    • One or two photos of new devices.
  • Update all photos on the main page with fancy new ones!
  • Writing. Especially these sections:
    • Mainline kernel
    • All interface sections (@PureTryOut, @magmastonealex - already took a great deal of your luneos intro, thanks! -, @pavelmachek, @drebrez, ...)
    • Devices
      • Google glass (@kaendfinger, share your experience in a few words?)
      • Make a list of new ports since the 100 days blog post, and link them to their wiki pages thanks @zhuowei!
      • write some info about the wifi porting (I haven't done it myself anyway, maybe someone who did it can say a few words and link to the wifi wiki page) - actually I'll just put that in one sentence or so, we already have so much content

If someone finds time to do any of these, it would be nice and help to get the post out faster. Don't be mad if I didn't mention your username here - all this is not polished yet - but we'll get there and make it really nice 👍 If you do work on any of those, please write it in this PR as a comment so we don't have duplicate work.

@kaniini: FYI: I've written down the install_if tale and mentioned you there.

Feedback welcome!

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