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Redesign 2024 + Adaptiveness & Darkmode support

As promised, I started on working on top of !264 (closed). (A few days later than promised, though.)

It is by no means finished. The things I still want to do include

  • needs a box for the user interface logos – they don't work on plain dark background
  • hover state was adjusted in some places, but not yet all of them
  • inline SVGs for icons would be great to remove the extra network requests, and allow for fill instead of the hacky filter
  • fonts need to be changed per comments on the previous iteration of this MR
  • remove hard-coded font sizes in favour of them relative to rem
  • mention somewhere in the footer: design by dikasp (@dikasetyaprayogi), @camelCaseNick (or however you want to add credit for yourself) and @ollieparanoid

But I open it now, to get out the things I started on, especially, the dark mode, where the one pmOS green is split into two. Do you think this works?

Close #169 (closed)

Edited by Oliver Smith

Merge request reports