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repositories: match on any url with the expected Alpine release version

clayton craft requested to merge alpine_repo_fix into master

Most Alpine mirrors are in the format alpine/vXX.YY, but not all. I hit this situation when upgrading to 23.12, the Alpine mirror I am using is After this script ran it was still using the 3.18 repo when it should have been using 3.19. A quick survey of shows that a few mirrors are like this, and there are even some mirrors that are hosted on subdomains with no path (e.g.

Matching on the version will fix this for any mirror with a "non-standard" repo path. It's also not great being less specific when matching, but it seems reasonable to assume if there's a match for an Alpine version on a line in /etc/apk/repositories then it's probably an Alpine mirror and not a pmOS one.

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