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Release 1.40.0

- Use doas instead of sudo if installed (MR 2091)
- pmb.helpers.ui: clarify "none" UI purpose
- pmb/config: check CROSS_MEMORY_ATTACH config required for Waydroid (MR 2140)
- install: support password as cmdline arg (MR 2125)

- kconfig-check: only check TZDEV/SAMSUNG_TUI on kernels older than 4.14 (MR 2148)
- pmb.parse.parse_attribute: strip off trailing comment on attrib line (MR 2149)
- aportupgrade: if $pkgver=9999, use $_pkgver variable instead (MR 2127)
- Fix 'kconfig edit linux-...' (MR 2143)

- tests: test single-line comment for unquoted attribute (MR 2149)
- remove unused args argument (MR 2136)
- pmb.parse.apkindex.parse: remove unused args argument (MR 2136)
- pmb.parse.apkbuild: remove unused args argument (MR 2136)
- args.cache: remove (MR 2136)
- pmb.config.apk_tools_min_version: add alpine 3.15 (MR 2144)