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pmb.config.apk_tools_min_version: support branches

Oliver Smith requested to merge apk-version-check-branches into master

Support branches, so pmbootstrap won't fail if v20.05 is selected:

ERROR: You have an outdated version of the 'apk' package manager installed
(your version: 2.10.5-r1, expected at least: 2.12.1-r0).

Move the logic for this check to pmb.helpers.apk.check_outdated and adjust the test.

This fixes the CI failure in test_crossdirect_rust, which uses the stable channel. (My bad for not creating this patch earlier, while at the same time explaining in the creating pmbootstrap release instructions, that this minimum apk version should be adjusted.)

This is a pretty important fix, I'll merge it soon and make a new pmbootstrap release.

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