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Enable hypervisor guest and vmmouse configs for linux-postmarketos x86_64

ryang requested to merge ryang2678/pmbootstrap:qemu-mouse-fixes into master

There is a vmmouse kernel driver which is loaded when the kernel is running on a hypervisor like kvm. VMMouse depends on the hypervisor guest and paravirt configs. From my testing this mouse driver works as smoothly as native on all the Qemu frontends (SDL, GTK, and Spice) and the guest interfaces (Wayland and X11).

  1. Only catch might be that CONFIG_PARAVIRT has theoretical performance costs. The other configs are code paths not taken unless it's running on a hypervisor.
	bool "Enable paravirtualization code"
	  This changes the kernel so it can modify itself when it is run
	  under a hypervisor, potentially improving performance significantly
	  over full virtualization.  However, when run without a hypervisor
	  the kernel is theoretically slower and slightly larger.
  1. I've regenerated the kernel configs based on the current kernel versions since they were outdated. It's done for all the arches for completeness. It should only be cosmetic because a kernel make does this at compile time anyways.

    I tested x86_64 and aarch64 kernels with the regenerated configs in Qemu. I couldn't verify that the arm kernel is still working because it doesn't boot for me on any kernel version. I tried the arm image on two computers and nothing will even show anything at all in the Qemu serial console.

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