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Initial Konversation aport

Bart Ribbers requested to merge (removed):konversation into master

Redoing this MR, so it's attached to the proper branch and author.

So I don't have a device to test it on, but it runs in Qemu. Before merging this I'd like someone with a device with working Plasma Mobile and wifi to test it out.

KDE Connect, mainly famous for it's Android app, has been working on making a mobile app for Plasma Mobile. Of course we want that too! The CMake line -DEXPERIMENTALAPP_ENABLED=true enables this app, and as the line itself says, it's still experimental. Things will be broken and we'll have to continuously update it, but that's part of the fun isn't it? Found bugs can be reported on (preferably) or on Telegram.

It didn't compile at first due to a musl issue, but I committed a fix for that.

Merge request reports