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Update libhybris and add more related packages

NotKit requested to merge NotKit:hybris-pr into master

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@NotKit or anyone else: if you have updated the code for another review, please open up a new merge request. Sorry for the trouble.

  • update libhybris
    • change _rev to latest git commit (there was a mistake before)
    • update custom patch for EGL integration with Xorg (fixes QML apps and Blink rendering)
    • install EGL libs into /usr/lib/libhybris-egl as was discussed before to avoid conflicts with MESA
  • package lxc-android configs from Halium - mounts Android filesystems and allows to start minimalistic Android system in LXC container
  • package xf86-video-hwcomposer and dependencies - allows Xorg to render via Android HWComposer API and utilize EGL via libhybris
Edited by Oliver Smith

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