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pmbootstrap newapkbuild: Properly parse arguments

postmarketOS Bot requested to merge fix/1302-newapkbuild-argparse into master

Created by: ollieparanoid


The pmbootstrap newapkbuild action wraps Alpine's newapkbuild. We used to directly pass all arguments to newapkbuild without verifying in Python whether they make sense or not. However, as newpakbuild doesn't do strict sanity checks on the arguments, it is easy to end up with unexpected behavior when using the command for the first time.

For example, newapkbuild allows either specifying a PKGNAME or SRCURL as last parameter, and also allows setting a PKGNAME with the -n parameter. It only makes sense to use that option when passing a SRCURL.


With this commit, we duplicate the options that should be passed through to newapkbuild and use argparse to fully sanitize the options and display a help page (pmbootstrap newapkbuild -h) that is consistent with the other help pages.


  • The -f (force) flag does not get passed through anymore. Instead we use it in Python to skip asking if an existing aport should be overwritten (the aports are outside of the chroot, so newapkbuild can't handle it in a way that makes sense for pmbootstrap).
  • Output of newapkbuild gets redirected to the log file now, as we don't need it to display a help page.
  • Don't verify the pkgver while creating the new APKBUILD. When passing a SRCURL, the pkgver gets extracted from the end of the URL and may not have a valid format yet (but we want the APKBUILD anyway).
  • Stored options passed through in pmb/config/ and use it in both pmb/parse/ and pmb/helpers/
  • Only allow -n with SRCURL
  • The postmarketOS aports folder gets specified with --folder now. That way the generated help page is much closer to the original one from newapkbuild. The default is main.
  • Made the package type flags (CMake, autotools, ...) exclusive so only one of them can be specified

Original help page

$ pmbootstrap -q chroot -- newapkbuild -h
newapkbuild 3.1.0-r4 - generate a new APKBUILD
Usage: newapkbuild [-n NAME] [-d DESC] [-l LICENSE] [-u URL]
       [-aCpy] [-s] [-cfh]
  -n  Set package name to NAME
  -d  Set package description (pkgdesc) to DESC
  -l  Set package license to LICENSE
  -u  Set package URL
  -a  Create autotools package (use ./configure ...)
  -C  Create CMake pakckage (Assume cmake/ is there)
  -m  Create meson package (Assume is there)
  -p  Create perl package (Assume Makefile.PL is there)
  -y  Create python package (Assume is there)
  -s  Use sourceforge source URL
  -c  Copy a sample init.d, conf.d, and install script to new directory
  -f  Force even if directory already exist
  -h  Show this help

New help page

$ pmbootstrap newapkbuild -h
usage: pmbootstrap newapkbuild [-h] [--folder FOLDER] [-n PKGNAME]
                               [-d PKGDESC] [-l LICENSE] [-u URL]
                               [-a | -C | -m | -p | -y] [-s] [-c] [-f]
                               PKGNAME[-PKGVER] | SRCURL

positional arguments:
                        set either the package name (optionally with the
                        PKGVER at the end, e.g. 'hello-world-1.0') or the
                        download link to the source archive

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --folder FOLDER       set postmarketOS aports folder (default: main)
  -n PKGNAME            set package name (only use with SRCURL)
  -d PKGDESC            set package description
  -l LICENSE            set package license identifier from
  -u URL                set package URL
  -a                    create autotools package (use ./configure ...)
  -C                    create CMake package (assume cmake/ is there)
  -m                    create meson package (assume is there)
  -p                    create perl package (assume Makefile.PL is there)
  -y                    create python package (assume is there)
  -s                    use sourceforge source URL
  -c                    copy a sample init.d, conf.d and install script
  -f                    force even if directory already exists

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