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Rudimentary ZSH autocompletion helper

postmarketOS Bot requested to merge V13Axel:zsh-autocompletion into master

Created by: V13Axel

For our users with ZSH, I wrote a (rather barebones) autocompletion script that will autocomplete pmbootstrap commands.

pmbootstrap [tab] will allow autocompletion selection of all the actions reported by pmbootstrap -h:


Then, the directories in aports/device/ will be autocompletions as a second argument, but only if the user enters menuconfig, checksum, aportgen, build, or kconfig_check:


Lastly, pmbootstrap flasher will currently suggest flash_kernel and flash_system:


There is still a TON of stuff that pmbootstrap does that isn't covered in the script, and it target device/kernel completion currently only works while $PWD is the pmbootstrap directory, but it's a start. Since it's zsh-only, it's not ash as the contribution guidelines mention.

I also wasn't sure where to put it, so I went with /helpers, because it's not part of the main code in /pmb, and none of the other directories seemed appropriate either.

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