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New device: Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 (WiFi) n5110

Michael Hamann requested to merge michitux:n5110 into master

The device boots, Weston works including touch. With #1205, Xfce works including touch and is quite usable. WiFi works when firmware-samsung-i9305 is installed. Audio works with the right mixer settings, see The kernel can be flashed using heimdall, I did not try flashing system using heimdall but flashed everything using TWRP and adb sideload.

The kernel is just the Lineage OS kernel without any further patches, only the required settings and the firmware path for WiFi have been changed.

Would it be a good idea to just include the audio configuration files in the device package? If yes, can/should there be a script that automatically sets the mixer settings on boot?

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