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  • Oliver Smith's avatar
    Fix #363: Omit /home/user when calculating system image size (#389) · 1c13ca4f
    Oliver Smith authored
    * The system image size is now calculated as: root size - home size.
    * New function in `pmb/helpers/`: `folder_size()`, with a
    * Instead of copying everything to the system image folder, and
      deleting the home folder afterwards, do not copy the home folder
      in the first place.
    * Added `pmbootstrap -s` to skip generating the initramfs for faster
    * Set the default value in the "are you sure, that your partition has
      at least..." to "y", so we can run `yes '' | pmbootstrap install`
      to make it run through the whole installation process.
    * Increase full size to 120%, boot partition gets 15 MB free space now