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  • Martin Piatka's avatar
    postmarketos-mkinitfs: Support initramfs compressions other than gzip (!334) · 8caa3706
    Martin Piatka authored
    The postmarketos initramfs is larger than android initramfs. This causes
    problems on some devices like htc-ace that have a very small boot
    partition (4MB in htc-ace). I've been able to make the boot image small
    enough to fit by compressing initramfs using lzma.
    With this change it should be possible to change the compression in
    deviceinfo like this: deviceinfo_initfs_compression='lzma'
    or even deviceinfo_initfs_compression='lzma -9'. When no option is
    specified it defaults to 'gzip -1'.
    I've also added dependencies to compression utilities for all possible
    initramfs compression algorithms.