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Draft: linux-postmarketos-rockchip: upgrade to 6.8 and use armbian config

Adam Thiede requested to merge adamthiede/pmaports:rockchip_67 into master

Attempting to get the rockchip kernel up-to-date and working. I have only tested this on pine64-rockpro64.

I pulled the bulk of the config from Armbian, since they have a working up-to-date config. It is located here. I also used pmbootstrap kconfig check linux-postmarketos-rockchip and satisfied all the issues it pointed out.

Previous attempts to update the kernel just using pmbootstrap kconfig migrate resulted in no networking for me, so working networking on a current kernel is a big step up for me!

What's working:

  • booting
  • network
  • display (at 1024x768@60hz only; the monitor it is hooked up to is 1280x1024@70hz)

I am not able to test anything else, since I don't have pcie devices, sound, or anything else hooked up to my rockpro64, but it boots and seems to work fine.



Would be nice to have help from some more experienced folks to figure out what is missing to get full-rez video.

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