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community/device-shift-axolotl: enable audio

  • Add ALSA UCM configs for the SHIFT6mq
  • Enable q6voiced properly by adding its config

What works?

HiFi mode

  • Headset, including microphone and jack detection
  • Microphone back
  • Microphone bottom
  • Speaker (only left channel, this is a driver limitation in the kernel)

Voice Call mode

  • Microphone bottom. Microphone back is not used.
  • DTMF works since ModemManager 1.20.0 was released, I could only test it with the ALSA UCM configs in place.

What doesn't work?

Voice Call mode

  • Switching between outputs (speaker <-> earpiece)
  • Muting microphone
  • Earpiece is silent
  • Audio is cut-off after 5s because PulseAudio suspends the audio device, unloading module-suspend-on-idle avoids this but raises the power consumption significantly.
Edited by Dylan Van Assche

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