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device-nokia-n900: enable use of rtc time at boot

Sicelo requested to merge sicelo/pmaports:rtc into master

In !1166 (merged), swclock was erroneously activated for Nokia N900. The consequence has been that the device could not use time from the rtc. This is a partial revert of that commit.

There is also no need to specify rtc device manually in /etc/conf.d/hwclock as the rtc device is correctly set kernel side,

Additional info: It is true that the rtc backup battery is dead on most Nokia N900 units, leading to time being lost if the main battery is removed for a short while. However, this means time is wrong only after battery removal, and once set via NTP (or manually), it is correct on every boot. With swclock, it is wrong on every single boot until set.

Related issue: #398 (comment 304861329) - including N900 in the list was a mistake, possibly caused by the rtc backup battery issue mentioned above.

Other: swclock does not work properly in pmOS? I did not spend a lot of time troubleshooting it because focus was on the rtc, but it seems that the shutdowntime mentioned at #398 (comment 331455114) was not getting created/touched, at least on my device, hence time was wrong on every boot as already mentioned. Perhaps a separate issue for testing that could be opened

Edited by Sicelo

Merge request reports