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samsung-{a3,a5}: also apply ModemManager "facility lock" workaround

Minecrell requested to merge msm8916-mainline/pmaports:a5-facility into master

It seems like at least samsung-a5 needs the same "facility lock" workaround as samsung-serranove, otherwise ModemManager can not detect the SIM card correctly. Move it to a subpackage of soc-qcom-msm8916 and apply it to samsung-a3 as well just to be sure.

So far this issue seems limited to Samsung devices, at least bq-paella is not affected (tested with the same SIM card), so it does not seem right to apply it unconditionally to all devices.

NOTE: There seems to be yet another regression with ModemManager on samsung-a5 that I'm still investigating, so this doesn't fully fix modem there just yet.

Cc: @TravMurav @jakko @minlexx

Merge request reports