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main/postmarketos-base: depend on wpa_supplicant

Bart Ribbers requested to merge wpa_supplicant into master

Peope are actually using our -none UI which is awesome. However, using that it's impossible to setup the system when you don't have ethernet access nearby as there are no tools installed to configure networking. I've asked the Alpine devs and on the Alpine minimal image wpa_supplicant is pre-installed for this, and I think we should do the same. It doesn't hurt installing it for UI's (most of the time it gets installed there through other means anyway) and would really help the -none UI.

Preferably this goes into a _pmb_recommends block but I don't believe that is supported in non-ui packages, right? I'm asking because on at least my own system I've replaced wpa_supplicant for iwd, and I assume others would like this too.

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