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u-boot-pinephone: 3 versions with ram clocks: 528, 552 and 624 / change default to 528 instead of 552

Per issue #981 (closed) build and package 3 versions of u-boot with 3 ram clocks: 528, 552 and 624

I added the option -r|--ram-freq in the update-u-boot script to allow users to choose between 3 different modes:

update-u-boot           (Will flash u-boot clocked at 528 MHz or at frequency specified in /proc/device-tree/memory/ram_freq)
update-u-boot -r 528    (Will flash u-boot clocked at 528 MHz)
update-u-boot -r 552    (Will flash u-boot clocked at 552 MHz)
update-u-boot -r 624    (Will flash u-boot clocked at 624 MHz)
Edited by Bobby The Builder

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