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main/mobile-config-firefox: upgrade to 2.0.0

Oliver Smith requested to merge ff-2.0.0 into master

Full changelog:

Most notably:

  • support convergence
    • the urlbar and all other tweaks are only applied when the firefox window is displayed on a small screen
    • compare the urlbar in the photo below from phone and external monitor (both windows belong to the same FF instance)
  • urlbar: don't do extra extension to left and right

Example show case:

  • open a remark based slideshow like this one
  • press "c" to clone it into a new window. Both windows are connected now, if you go to the next slide in one window, it goes to the next slide in the other window.
  • move the new window to your external monitor
  • swipe left and right on your phone, and use it to control the presentation on the monitor! :D


Edited by Oliver Smith

Merge request reports