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  • Oliver Smith's avatar
    Fix conflict with mkbootimg and android-tools (#1557) · 0921c2ea
    Oliver Smith authored
    Alpine ships `mkbootimg` with the `android-tools` package now. This
    conflicts with the `mkbootimg` fork from osm0sis (see #441).
    * Rename `mkbootimg` to `mkbootimg-osm0sis` (aport and binary name)
    * `mkbootimg-osm0sis`: provides `mkbootimg` now (so we don't need to
      change all the device aports), update version to 2018.05.10
    * Adjust our `mkinitfs` script to call `mkbootimg-osm0sis`
    * Better aport description
    * pkgrel_bump testcase: don't fail on deleted aport