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mrtest add: Show the name of the PR before asking you to confirm

Zach DeCook requested to merge earboxer/mrhlpr:confirm-show-title into master

I often accidentally type the wrong number when using mrtest. It gives me the scary warning and I always confirm. Then it either tells me that no artifacts exist, or it presents me with some completely unrelated package choices.

This change shows basic information from the PR before asking you to confirm.

Welcome to mrtest, this tool allows downloading and installing
Alpine packages from merge requests.

WARNING: do not use this tool unless you understand what it does,
otherwise you can get tricked into installing malicious code!
Malicious code may make your device permanently unusable, steal
your passwords, and worse.

You are about to select and then install packages from:
	“community/nwg-launchers: upgrade to and fix subpackages”

* Did you read and understand the diff?
* If not, do you at least trust the person who submitted it?

If you don't understand the diff and don't trust the submitter,
answer with 'stop'. Otherwise, if you want to proceed, type in the

Your answer:

(mr-provided fields are quoted and styled differently so if someone names their PR, "enter security code 59685", it's should be clear to the user that that string is not provided by mrtest)

Merge request reports