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Add pp_serial driver for Pinephone without a SIM card

Teemu Ikonen requested to merge tpikonen/gnss-share:pp_serial into master

Add pp_serial driver which runs the GNSS unit in the EG25 modem in the Pinephone with the AT-command interface and thus does not need ModemManager, or a SIM card installed in the phone.

ModemManager must be disabled / masked for this to work, but eg25-manager needs to be running for modem initialization.

The code is in a sort of 'works for me' state at the moment:

  • It hardcodes the control port to /dev/ttyUSB2 and the almanac data (XTRA) file for the load command to /tmp/xtra.bin. Configuration file variables would be needed for these.
  • XTRA loading code does not check all the responses from the hardware.
  • The eg25-manager uses the same control port as this driver, which could cause problems at some point.
  • I really don't know go, the code is mostly copied from the stm_serial driver and could have all kinds of stylistic and functional problems.

This said, it seems to work fine, Geoclue and other clients work OK.

Merge request reports