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Draft: Implement /usr/share/deviceinfo and drop /etc/boot/cmdline.txt

Pablo Correa Gomez requested to merge (removed):drop-cmdline-txt into master

/etc/boot/cmdline.txt was simply created as a way to append to the commandline by users on the lack of a solution to properly modify deviceinfo variables. Therefore, implementing /usr/share/deviceinfo[1] makes unnecessary to have the additional cmdline.txt file. To simplify overriding deviceinfo_kernel_cmdline variable, allow an "_append" variable to be used.

[1] pmaports#1836 (comment 1267128361)

Relates pmaports#1836 (closed)

@jenneron @InsanePrawn, since you were involved in introducing it and should we warned.

Marked as Draft since we have to update at least also:

  • Wiki
  • pmaports
  • mkinitfs

Merge request reports