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Artwork contribution - Jun 2024

dikasp requested to merge dikasetyaprayogi/pmos-artwork:master into master


In this MR

  • Added new wallpaper candidate "Fern"
  • Slightly update wallpaper test template svg
  • Other than that is just me messed up with my git console
Preview (old) image1-35
Preview (new/revised) image1-352

Not so related topic

Those cool codenames!

Ubuntu Jammy, Mac OS Big Sur, Android Tiramisu and so on..

How about using the wallpaper name as codename to refer an postmarketOS version like pmOS v.24 "Meadow". Not to change the internal codenames, just friendly jargon in the chat, blog, or public news :) this also opens up opportunity like cool banner/sticker!


Desktop screenshots

These should represent how the wallpaper look in regular user desktop :)


Edited by dikasp

Merge request reports