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Add get_system_characteristics function

Nikolay Samokhvalov requested to merge pg-config-auto into master

In this PR:

  1. Add get_system_characteristics function

This function automatically detects, how many CPU cores are available to the Docker container, huw much GBs of RAM, and whether disks are "rotational" (HDD), or not (SSD).

  1. Basic autotuning steps

Add basic autotuning (only 'oltp' at the moment) for knobs: - shared_buffers - effective_cache_size - random_page_cost

  1. Fix order of actions when changing Postgres config

There was a logical error in determining, if Postgres restart is needed.

  1. Add order to pg_stat_*** artifacts (CSV files)


  • auto-tuning for olap workload
  • more knobs to tune

Merge request reports