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Add linters, molecule tests, and improving code quality

Vitaliy Kukharik requested to merge linters-and-tests into main

The objective of this MR is to enhance the reliability and maintainability of our Ansible playbooks codebase and streamline the build and deployment process.

Key Changes:

  • 1. Makefile Adjustments: Added Makefile to optimize the development environments and ensure compatibility across different platforms.
  • 2. Linting Integration (added to CI/CD pipeline): Linters (yamllint, ansible-lint) have been introduced to ensure code consistency and adherence to best practices.
  • 3. Improving code quality: Refactoring of the code has been performed in which linter warnings have been resolved.
  • 4. Molecule Tests Integration (added to CI/CD pipeline): To ensure the robustness and reliability of our playbooks, Molecule tests have been incorporated.

These modifications will bolster the readability, maintainability, and reliability of our Ansible code. They will also enhance the build and deployment process, ensuring smoother workflows for developers. Furthermore, they set a higher standard of quality assurance for future code adjustments.


  • Added variable "zpool_datasets_name"
Edited by Vitaliy Kukharik

Merge request reports