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feat: add webhooks for major events: clone creation, etc. (#514)

Artyom Kartasov requested to merge 514-webhooks into master

this MR is closed – all worked moved to the 4.0 branch: !763 (merged)


Add webhooks for major events

  • Extend DLE config to support webhooks (clone_create, clone_reset, clone_delete)
  • Support webhook configuration reloading
  • Make requests and report status and response to logs
  • Filter webhook secrets in logs

Related issue




    - url: ""
      secret: "secret-token"
          - clone_create
          - clone_reset

Basic Payload

  event_type string
  entity_id   string

Clone Payload

  event_type string
  entity_id  string
  host       string
  port       uint
  username   string
  dbname     string

Logs output

2023/05/25 18:40:58 webhooks.go:107: [DEBUG]  Trigger event: {{clone_create chnqnem1q2ss73bt6i5g} localhost 6000 john postgres}
2023/05/25 18:40:58 webhooks.go:116: [INFO]   Webhook request:
2023/05/25 18:40:58 webhooks.go:142: [DEBUG]  Webhook Payload:  {"event_type":"clone_create","entity_id":"chnqnem1q2ss73bt6i5g","host":"localhost","port":6000,"username":"john","dbname":"postgres"}
2023/05/25 18:40:58 logging.go:16: [INFO]   ->  POST /healthz
2023/05/25 18:40:58 webhooks.go:125: [DEBUG]  Webhook status code:  200
2023/05/25 18:40:58 webhooks.go:133: [DEBUG]  Webhook response:  {"version":"v3.4.0-rc.5-34-g1e790c9f-20230525-1840","edition":"community","instanceID":"cdhk35u1q2ss73eqa0ng"}


2023/05/25 18:41:39 webhooks.go:107: [DEBUG]  Trigger event: {{clone_reset chnqnem1q2ss73bt6i5g} localhost 6000 john postgres}
2023/05/25 18:41:39 webhooks.go:116: [INFO]   Webhook request:
2023/05/25 18:41:39 webhooks.go:142: [DEBUG]  Webhook Payload:  {"event_type":"clone_reset","entity_id":"chnqnem1q2ss73bt6i5g","host":"localhost","port":6000,"username":"john","dbname":"postgres"}
2023/05/25 18:41:39 logging.go:16: [INFO]   ->  POST /healthz
2023/05/25 18:41:39 webhooks.go:125: [DEBUG]  Webhook status code:  200
2023/05/25 18:41:39 webhooks.go:133: [DEBUG]  Webhook response:  {"version":"v3.4.0-rc.5-34-g1e790c9f-20230525-1840","edition":"community","instanceID":"cdhk35u1q2ss73eqa0ng"}


  • MR description has been reviewed
  • MR changes are functionally tested
  • MR does NOT have API/CLI changes OR there are API/CLI changes and they have been reviewed & DOCS ARE ADJUSTED (reference doc, etc)
  • MR does NOT have UI changes OR there are UI changes and they have been reviewed & UX IS REVIEWED

Closes #514

Edited by Nikolay Samokhvalov

Merge request reports