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feat(ui): Collapse/expand for the right-side panel in DLE UI (#451)


Related issue

#451 (closed)



  • The current state will be stored in local storage, so that the users will be presented with the correct state
  • Same transition animation that we have for the menu sidebar

Expanded state for the right side panel


Collapsed state for the right side panel


Left sidebar menu

Currently, if the sidebar menu is expanded, the content inside the tabs is overflowing from the container, since there is not enough width.


Instead, we show the sidebar menu on the whole screen for mobile devices.



  • MR description has been reviewed
  • MR changes are functionally tested
  • MR does NOT have API/CLI changes OR there are API/CLI changes and they have been reviewed & DOCS ARE ADJUSTED (reference doc, etc)
  • MR does NOT have UI changes OR there are UI changes and they have been reviewed & UX IS REVIEWED

Closes #451 (closed)

Edited by Lasha Kakabadze

Merge request reports