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[DLE 4.0] feat(ui): Branches

Lasha Kakabadze requested to merge 462-ui-for-data-branching into dle-4-0


  • Branches: implements new functionality (DLE 4.0). The interface will be list-based, simple, closer to Clones and Snapshots (tbd later)
  • Snapshots: the same list as we have when we press the button "Show all snapshots" (bottom right corner at Overview).
    • Additionally, we add the action button "Create branch"
    • Similar to clones, we need a page to view details about particular snapshot + action buttons ("Destroy snapshot"; anything else?).
  • Clones: the same list, single-clone view, and action buttons as we have in Overview – the only difference is that we don't cut the list – we can show the all here

Related issue

#471 (closed)

#462 (closed)


Branches tab with table list

  • Users can click on the item inside to table to navigate to the inner page.
  • Loading spinner for before data is loaded.
  • Error message to display if something went wrong.
  • Create branch button will be disabled if there is no data at all.


Create branch modal

  • Upon clicking on the Create branch button, user is presented with the following modal.
  • Submit button will be disabled until it satisfied the mandatory Branch name field.
  • Parent branch will be main by default, and the Snapshot ID will update based on the parent branch input value.
  • If the response is successful user will be redirected to the newly created branch page.


Branch page

  • Users can click on the Branches inside the breadcrumbs to navigate back to the snapshots tab.
  • Loading spinner for before data is loaded.
  • Error message to display if something went wrong.
  • Reload info button refetches the data for a specific branch.
  • Inputs inside the snapshot info section will copy the value to clipboard.
  • Branch log section will display list of branches that are related to the current branch, users can navigate there on click.



  • MR description has been reviewed
  • MR changes are functionally tested
  • MR does NOT have API/CLI changes OR there are API/CLI changes and they have been reviewed & DOCS ARE ADJUSTED (reference doc, etc)
  • MR does NOT have UI changes OR there are UI changes and they have been reviewed & UX IS REVIEWED

Closes #462 (closed)

Edited by Lasha Kakabadze

Merge request reports