DLE UI fail to start after server reboot
Noticed that DLE UI fails to start after server restart(docker service restart), after checking logs in dblab-server
container found error:
2022/05/18 06:18:06 [INFO] Retrieval mode: logical
2022/05/18 06:18:06 [INFO] API server started listening on :2345.
2022/05/18 06:18:06 [ERROR] Failed to start embedded UI container: failed to prepare Docker image for embedded UI: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/dblab_embedded_ui_ca1lek7biiaucorn2620" is already in use by container "973c04cbe6f9b726989d36321a322033f88a34eec3af875517335ea5adce4628". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
Steps to reproduce:
- start dblab server container, wait for UI container to be in running state
- manually stop UI container
- stop dblab container
- start dblab container - dblab container fail to start with error that UI container already exists
TODO / How to implement
Can be multiple ways to implement it:
- try to recreate UI container
- try to start existing container
Acceptance criteria
DLE UI container starts after server restart