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Added epoch versions

Benjamin Winger requested to merge bmwinger/portmod:epochs into master

See #229 (closed).

This is a backwards-incompatible extension to the API, as older versions of portmod will see packages with epoch versions as having a version which cannot be parsed. Testing this, it actually looks like it will ignore the old version, as it seems to treat the trailing epoch as part of the package name, but since the mangled package name doesn't match its parent directory, I don't think it will ever get used.

This will also be useful for openmw-mods#376 (closed) (which is I think the only example of this for openmw-mods so far), though detecting updates which require a new epoch isn't really feasible, but we could probably detect when the new version is smaller. Importmod will also need to be updated to take into account the current epoch when determining the version of an updated package.

Edited by Benjamin Winger

Merge request reports