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Add CONTENTS to the VDB git repo

Benjamin Winger requested to merge bmwinger/portmod:contents_vdb_fix into master

This mostly will affect #27, which I would like to start on relatively soon.

Leaving the files untracked should actually allow rollbacks, but as soon as they're replaced with a file that's committed which will happen when you install the package using the fixed version of portmod, then subsequent rollbacks won't work properly.

It might be possible to fix the issue by rewriting history in the VDB, but the other alternative might just be that we'll need to indicate that the VDB is not compatible with older versions of portmod (we could create git tags for the versions and prevent rollbacks from allowing you to rollback to an older VDB version (and also have some sort of check to make sure that your VDB version is supported by the version of portmod you're using).

I'm thinking that versioning the VDB is probably the way to go, and that we can have VDB migration code which, for migrating to version 1, will add all the untracked CONTENTS files and set the version tag.

Edited by Benjamin Winger

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