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Version update

Benjamin Winger requested to merge bmwinger/portmod:version_update into master

Updates versioning to include more variants, bringing our version capabilities in line with the PMS.

This also fixes version comparisons, which were buggy before due to using string comparisons instead of integer comparisons.

This implements version comparison as defined in PMS section 3.3.

A brief overview of how versions are compared, in order of priority:

  • Numeric component. This is a string of numbers separated by dots.
  • Letter component. A single letter following the numeric component.
  • Suffix - one of _alpha, _beta, _pre, _rc or _p, followed optionally by a number. Multiple of these can be specified and the order of priority is as listed, with the number differentiating when suffix types are the same.
  • Revision - a revision number prefixed by -r

This also updates the name part of mod atoms to include underscores, numbers and capital letters, though note that these are for exceptional cases. In general mod names should be lower case and separated with hyphens.

Merge request reports