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WIP: [assets-meshes/rr-better-meshes] Update to version 1.3.1

Benjamin Winger requested to merge bmwinger/openmw-mods:rr-better-meshes into master

This is a big messy mod and needs more work, but I'm opening this to keep track of what I've done.

It notably includes an atlas generator. My idea for handling this is to install it into /atlas-generators and have assets-misc/project-atlas (see !87 (closed)) search the VFS for scripts in this directory and also generate atlases for them. We'll need a REBUILD flag for this (and portmod support) to indicate that project-atlas needs to be rebuilt whenever mods like this that include atlases are updated. An abstract way of doing this could be to have a PROVIDES="atlasgen ..." field, and have project-atlas have a REBUILD="provides_atlasgen" flag.

Closes #20 (closed)

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