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WIP - Ice face ability

SoloReprise requested to merge SoloReprise/pokemonsdk:IceFace into development

This is an attempt to make Ice Face ability work. This is what should be able to do:

1.- Starts on form 0. If it's hit by a physical move, turns to form 1 (working) 2.- On switch-in, if hail is on the terrain, it should change back to form 0 (not working) 3.- If hail is summoned while this pokemon is on the terrain, it should change back to form 0 (not working) 4.- Out of battle, it goes back to form 0 (working) 5.- Switched, it doesn't turn back to form 0 (working) 6.- Revived, it turns back to form 0 (working)

So, my primordial problem here is that I don't know how I have to do to turn the forms back to the original forms.

Merge request reports