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Fix: Follower Positions After Battle

MR Description

Followers positions were getting reset during battle, this will push them back to the right position (where they were before the battle) before the player sees the screen! Fairly certain after wild battles your Pokémon was in the same position as before the battle, but if it wasn't the case it is now ;D

Notes to acknowledge before testing

  • Ensure after every test you are in a new position for testing
  • I don't think calling a scenarized battle like $scene.call_scene(Battle::Scene, bi) does not save the position of the followers
gv[31] = 2 # Set transition to RBY
bi =
bi.add_party(0, *bi.player_basic_info)
party = []
party <<, 15)
party <<, 15)
party <<, 15)
bi.add_party(1, party, 'Yuri', 'Bad Trainer', 'dp_33', nil, 255, 7)
bi.battle_id = 2 # Tell battle to load Data/Events/Battle/00002*.rb
$scene.call_scene(Battle::Scene, bi) # Call the battle

Tests to realize

  • Following mon is in the right position after a battle by start_trainer_battle (or similar methods) are called
  • Following mon is in the right position after a wild battle
  • Following mon is in the right position after scenarized battles (pretty sure this isn't working yet)

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Edited by Invatorzen

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