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Fix the lingering meteo particle bug

Rey requested to merge TheRey/pokemonsdk:demo/fix-meteo into development

MR Description

  • This MR fixes a meteo problem PSDK seem to have since long ago. When switching from a map with a meteo (generally rain/snow/sandstorm) to a map without any meteo, some particles weren't correctly hidden, leading to a ghost particle still visible on the next maps.

Note to acknowledge before testing

  • When you want to check whether a particule is still visible or not, you can use the following command in the console:

If the console displays "false", it means no particle exist on the screen, thus validating the test

Tests to realize

  • Switch from a map which has a snowy meteo to a meteo-free map: you shouldn't have any snowflake on the screen anywhere on the current map, and the command should send back "false".
  • Switch from a map which has a rainy meteo to a meteo-free map: you shouldn't have any raindrop on the screen anywhere on the current map, and the command should send back "false".
  • Switch from a map which has a sandstorm meteo to a meteo-free map: you shouldn't have any sand on the screen anywhere on the current map, and the command should send back "false".
Edited by Zøzo

Merge request reports