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Fix Strong Winds

Lexio requested to merge Lexiooo/pokemonsdk:fix-strong_winds into development

MR Description

  • Fix an issue occuring when the Strong Winds are set. They would cancel any move that is not super effective against a flying type.

Notes to acknowledge before testing

  • Unlike the two others gen 3 beasts' weathers, Strong Winds doesn't cancel any move. However, it will lower the efficiency of a move that would be super effective against a flying type Pokémon.
  • Note that a Pokémon with a dual typing such as Rayquaza-Mega that would make the move neutral (example: Thunderbolt is neutral because it is SE on flying, but resisted against dragon) also reduces the move's efficiency. Therefore, Thunderbolt against Rayquaza-Mega is resisted.

Tests to realize

  • Ensure that a Super Effective move becomes Neutral when the weather is up, against a flying type.
  • Ensure that a Neutral move becomes Resisted when the weather is up, against a flying type.
  • Ensure that any other move against a Pokémon that is not flying type will act regardless of the weather.

Sources related to this MR

Edited by Zøzo

Merge request reports