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Rubrics init / wipe

Colin Macdonald requested to merge rubrics_init into main

Fixes #2914 (closed).


  • can init
  • can wipe
    • provide info about how much damage you're doing and require confirming
      • typing the shortname in a box
    • what are you supposed to do when the form does not validate POST data? namely when user does not provide shortname?
    • how to handle success deletion? A message and a button back to rubrics landing probably. redirected to main rubrics page
  • cleanup
  • what is the "username" we need to provide for init-ing rubrics? How do I get my own username? Or is this just some useless option that the command-line args need ("python plom_rubrics init manager")
    • todo: for now, just grabbed the .first() manager account: not sure it really matters as its just for the owner field of each autogen rubric.
Edited by Colin Macdonald

Merge request reports