Please be advised that each presentation will consist of a 3-minute pitch followed by a 4-minute Q&A session. We recommend rehearsing your pitch to ensure it is concise and impactful within the 3-minute timeframe. To optimize your presentation, consider moving supplementary slides to the appendix for easy access during the Q&A.
Additionally, incorporating your branding on the pitch deck is encouraged, as it enhances the professionalism and recognizability of your presentation.
Зачем: помощь будущим поколениям в борьбе с климатическими изменениями - оценка правильности решений прошлого, по сути big data для работы над ошибками в будущем.
Где хранить: блокчейн, сеть SOLANA или Ethereum
Откуда брать данные: сделать smart sensor, который выполнит все необходимые измерения и передаст данные в децентрализлванное хранилище
Неужели кто-то захочет передавать данные: ДА! За каждую передачу пользователь получит reward в оригинальных токенах ETLC, just consider smart sensor as cryptocurrency mining hardware.
How it works: TG bot, QR code scan and once per 2 hours it dumps data to public Ethereum test network (transaction count)
Why to invest
Short term: Q4 2024/Q1 2025: ETLC listing at KuCoin and ByBit — it means early investors can sold their coins with the profit: all newly listed coins are actively traded and initial coin cost increases for 30-150% in the next few hours after listing — so since you can use the insider details you can obviously multiply your profit.
Middle term: Q2/Q4 2025: sales Smart Sensor v2 will started — killer gadget to make Web3.0 era real, actually the first IoT device with uncompromising design and style to earn money literally from air. We expect that sales will positively affect our token exchange rate ETLC on CEXs, so we consider x3 cost growth in the beginning of 2026.
Long term: Data is covered by CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, you can use data for free for personal or non-fundable researches. But in long term, actually climate is getting worse and we expect global fundable researches for climate changes. It means, any foundation, government or company should pay you if case of data use. Of course, there could be non-public (like a top secret) researches and you will get nothing. But if someone like Julian Assange or Edward Snowden will share leaked documents with the details about such researches — it's a supper case to get you money in court, I guess the best lawyers will love to work with you.
Do you want a live demo right now
Catch me and I will show how it works, v1 sensor is there and test endpoint to store air quality from Chinggis Khan Museum is up and running.
I relocated to Bishkek in early 2022 from Moscow, Russia. And first thing I've noticed — the air pollution. Actually in Moscow is quite fresh air, it's nonsense — 20M population city and I never saw the smog there. In Bishkek it's an annual winter problem.
Hello, I'm Kostas — the founder of Ethelia. Today I would like to make a quick introduction to the project. But in an unusual format — through storytelling.
In 2022, I moved from Moscow, Russia, to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Curiously, I found out that the air quality in Moscow — a city with about 20 million people — is much clearer than in Bishkek. Here we have smog. On the left side, you can see it. It's not a snowy, rainy, or foggy day; it's a nice sunny January day but with heavy smoke and charcoal particles in the air.
I thought about how I could address the problem and what my contribution could be. My decision was: okay, all I can do right now is to collect data — collect the environmental values and parameters that could help future generations of scientists and researchers make the right conclusions about climate change, the impact of smog on the environment, and eventually make the correct decisions to avoid the mistakes and wrong turns we are making now.
So, where should I store the collected data? Okay, perhaps in a database or cloud service. But the question is, can I maintain these database servers, or can I pay for cloud services in the long term — in 5, 10 years, or even longer? I cannot answer yes or no. So I need something different: something decentralised, distributed, and maintained by the community. Only blockchain meets my requirements. We store a lot of garbage data there like NFTs, gaming items, and whatever else, but I guess it's time to store data that could help future generations understand our current environmental situation.
The next thing to consider: how can we collect the data, and who can provide the environmental variables and parameters?
In the Telegram channels where citizens of Bishkek discuss the environmental situation, I saw many posts and messages with photos sharing the actual values from their air purifiers or air quality sensors. It seems people are ready to take a photo of the sensor and share it. So I thought: okay, we can create a sensor that visualises the data on display or another unit. The data will contain a QR code where we can encode the sensor value as a web link or smartphone application callback. Well, in about five months, I created such a sensor: it's a Smart Cube. We can scan the QR code via a smartphone and send the data via the Telegram application to the Ethelia endpoint and eventually store the data on the blockchain.
Finally, how do we motivate people to share the data? Since we use blockchain as storage, let's use it as a financial component as well. The idea is simple—the user shares the data from their sensor and receives some crypto coins back as a reward. Those coins can then be converted to USDT and withdrawn as real currency.
Today, Ethelia is not just an MVP or beta version — it's a fully functional release candidate. We have frontend and backend, an up-and-running API endpoint, and a Telegram bot for friendly data storing on the blockchain. We have a web portal with documentation, integration with Ethercan block explorer, and all our resources in open repositories. On this slide, a QR code is shown; just scan it to check all these web links.
The only thing outstanding before moving to production is investment. That's why I'm here. For investors, we offer three terms:
Short and medium-term rely on Ethelia’s token, which will be listed on KuCoin and ByBit centralised exchanges. All newly listed coins are actively traded, so traders buy and sell, pumping the price. Typically, prices increase by 5 to 20% in the hours following the listing. Obviously, you can sell your tokens at launch and profit.
In the medium term, we expect a new release of our smart sensor, the Smart Sphere, slated for early 2026. The Smart Sphere sensor is the first IoT device with uncompromising design and style that can earn money literally from thin air. We expect Ethelia’s token to double in value after the release. You can sell on news and double your profit.
In the long term, data stored on Ethelia's blockchain is covered by a Creative Commons licence, meaning it's free for non-commercial use. We expect global funding for climate change research, and any foundation, government, or company should pay you for usage.
Of course, such research could be non-public, but if someone like Snowden or Assange shares leaked documents detailing the illegal use of data, you can easily get your money back in court. The best lawyers would love to work on your case.
I pitched the Ethelia project at Startup WorldCup Central Asia on July 9, 2024. It was a great and inspiring event in the heart of East Asia — Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Ethelia was selected as one of the top 20 startups from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Uzbekistan. It was also among the top 3 startups from Kyrgyzstan.
The competition was intense, and unfortunately, Ethelia was not among the four standout startups that emerged as winners: CerebraAI, Rock Rigid, InvestBanq, and ONDO Space. But as they say — participation means more than winning.