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Fix compile warning in bddcgraph.c (Intel C++)

Jose E. Roman requested to merge jose/fix-warning-bddc into main
petsc/src/ksp/pc/impls/bddc/bddcgraph.c(1101): error #823: reference is to variable "i" (declared at line 732) -- under old for-init scoping rules it would have been variable "i" (declared at line 1086)
      for (i = 0, mss = 0; i < graph->n_subsets; i++) mss = PetscMax(graph->subset_size[i], mss);
petsc/src/ksp/pc/impls/bddc/bddcgraph.c(1101): error #823: reference is to variable "i" (declared at line 732) -- under old for-init scoping rules it would have been variable "i" (declared at line 1086)
      for (i = 0, mss = 0; i < graph->n_subsets; i++) mss = PetscMax(graph->subset_size[i], mss);

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