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Draft: TaoPD - Problem Description

Hansol Suh requested to merge hsuh/tao-pd into main

TaoPD - Problem Description.

This newly introduced TaoPD object represents frequently used primal objects in optimization.

This can be thought of as either regularization, closed-convex-set constraint, or a building-block for multiple-dispatch for proximal algorithms.

One can use TaoPD object as either a regularizer to complement existing Tao object. For such application, one can checkout src/tao/unconstrained/tutorials/cg_reg.c. If one wants to use TaoPD as a regularizer, one simply has to call TaoSetRegularizer(Tao, TaoPD).

Also, one can use two TaoPD objects to solve a proximal algorithm - \min f(x) + g(x,y), via TaoApplyProximalMap() function,  where each functions, f,g, are represented via individual TaoPD objects. Examples can be seen in src/tao/unconstrained/tutorials/prox_ex.c.

One can also solve proximal algorithm via TaoSolve(), by setting TaoPD terms into Tao. In this case, the TaoType would be TAOPROX - which is merely a vessel to call TaoApplyProximalMap() (Q: Is this feature needed? See discussion below)

To use TaoSolve() for TAOPROX, one first needs to call TaoSetTotalNumPD(Tao, PetscInt), and then set those two TaoPD objects via TaoSetPDTerm(Tao, TaoPD, PetscInt), and then solve it.

Currently, L1, L2, and Simplex are implemented for TaoPD.

Note: I am uncertain about how I create list of TaoPD objects and store them. Currently, I have

struct _p_Tao{
 PetscInt num_terms;
 TaoPD   *pds;
 TaoPD    reg;


and user has to call TaoSetTotalNumPD(Tao tao, PetscInt i) first, which does PetscMalloc(i, &tao->pds);, and then set TaoSetPDTerm(Tao tao, TaoPD pd, PetscInt i);, which does `tao->pds[i] = pd'

Is this an acceptable Petsc-practice to initialize list of objects with unknown length??

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