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Governance updates

Jed Brown requested to merge jed/governance-updates into release

This just fixing spelling/broken links right now, but I think we need to resolve two issues (sorry I'm late getting to this):

  1. Quorum is going to be hard to establish with the Council and we should anticipate abstentions. A basic proposal:
  • 2/3 of the council is required for quorum
  • majority and 2/3 margin of voting members required for the various actions
  • an abstention counts toward meeting quorum, but not the vote margins
  • aside: this does enable a sort of filibuster in strategically denying quorum, not that I expect it to be exercised.
  • elections of people (say to the NumFOCUS Committee) will be conducted using the Schulze Method of ranked choice voting.
  • secret ballot or no?
  1. I think it will look fundamentally lazy if we don't take a crack at defining initial Council membership, so here's a proposal
  • The initial Council consists of those people listed in CODEOWNERS who have reviewed at least 4 MRs in the past 12 months, plus Lois.
  • Council members may nominate additional members of the community to be approved by 2/3 majority of the Council to serve a 2-year term. It is expected that this mechanism will be used to include people with strategic insight into the sustainability of the project and/or fostering a healthy and diverse community. The Council shall strive to ensure that at least 20% of its membership has been selected through this process.
  • A Council member can resign at any time, thereby shrinking the Council.
  • Current members of the Council will be identified on the web site.
  • During its first 12 months, the Council will ratify a procedure for updating its membership.

Merge request reports