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Combatant sorting, grouping, and Hold management fixes.

  • Fixes #532 (closed)
  • Might make #1020 (closed) obsolete, but it doesn't solve collapsing groups ( #1001 (closed)), which feels incompatible with group leaders and followers acting independently.
  • Changes initiative sorting:
    • While still retaining card and suit values, sorting is now primarily based on initiative values derived from <cardValue>.<suitValue> with followers assigned initiative values equal to the leaders initiative minus 0.001 iteratively.
    • Act now and act after controls assign initiative values equal to the target's +/- 0.0001 respectively.
  • Followers and leaders can toggle hold statuses and act independently of each other.
  • Combatants on hold are consistently listed at the top of the turn order in subsequent rounds or during ambushes.
  • Combatants that have been assigned a card equal to an existing combatant's card are sorted by name or by ID if the names are identical.
  • Changes Incapacitated tombstone icon to face-eyes-xmarks to distinguish from defeated/dead (considered bed-pulse, but wasn't sure if it seemed obvious enough).
  • Fixes cards not being drawn for combatants created/modified by "assign selected tokens as followers"
    • New potential bug to solve: Unlinked tokens created from same Actor share the same, preventing "assign selected tokens as followers" from functioning as it disallows tokens with same as a group leader to be followers.
Edited by Kristian Serrano

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