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New App: com.peaceray.codeword

Jake Rosin requested to merge com.peaceray.codeword into master


  • The app complies with the inclusion criteria
  • The original app author has been notified (and does not oppose the inclusion) I am the original app author
  • All related fdroiddata and RFP issues have been referenced in this merge request No related issues to my knowledge
  • Builds with fdroid build and all pipelines pass Followed submission guide w/o errors

Strongly Recommended

  • The upstream app source code repo contains the app metadata (summary/description/images/changelog/etc) in a Fastlane or Triple-T folder structure Fastlane structure is used
  • Releases are tagged Releases are tagged, e.g. v1.4


  • External repos are added as git submodules instead of srclibs
  • Enable Reproducible Builds
  • Multiple apks for native code No native code

Code Word

Code Word is a code-breaking / word-guessing game with a variety of options for both the underlying secret and the clues provided during play. Similar games include Wordle, Mastermind, Jotto, and Bulls and Cows.

This version (1.4) includes one possible Anti-Feature (Non-Free Network Service) which is not noted in the .yml file; I leave the decision of whether to add it there to the packagers, who have more experience making that determination than I do. Specifically: Code Word includes a "Daily Puzzle" which is algorithmically generated from the current date on the device clock. The Daily is global in the sense that all users will receive the same puzzle on the same day, as long as the generation algorithm is consistent among them. To ensure consistency, the app periodically (every 3-7 days, if active) makes a network call to check for updates to the algorithm and first adds a warning to, then disables, the Daily challenge if an app is not updated to the new Daily generation algorithm. All other game modes remain available if this occurs. In this version users may disable, but not replace, the network call -- if disabled, the Daily Puzzle remains available indefinitely but is labeled a "Local Daily" with an identifier distinct from the Global Daily on that date (even if the same puzzle is used).

Edited by Jake Rosin

Merge request reports